People Engagement and Motivational Seminars
Engagement is a modern term often used in place of “motivation” or “work satisfaction”. However, engagement is neither one nor the other. Engagement is not even the organisation’s responsibility. Engagement is active interaction and cooperation between the organisation and the people who work there.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, social exchange theory, expectancy theory, group work, role play.
The aim of the seminar:
what does an employee really expect from his or her employer, and is that realistic;
what can an employee do to receive what is vitally important to for effective work;
the seminar provides the opportunity to experience the role of the employer and to take a look at everyday life from a different perspective.
Motivated employees who want to be actively involved in achieving an organisation’s goals.
Apmācību Atgriezeniskās saites sniegšana apraksts
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